Pump Up Sales by Straightening Out the Kinks

Pump Up Sales by Straightening Out the Kinks via Jason Forrest

When I noticed a few new plantings in our backyard were not doing well, I decided to give the lackluster seedlings some attention. I rummaged through the garage to find a garden hose buried and dusty in a box. I hooked it up and opened the faucet full boar. The hose whipped and writhed as it filled with water, but it barely trickled. What was supposed to be a quick job became a long detour and business lesson instead.

A high-powered hose is great, but if there’s a kink in it, it’s slow at best and possibly next to useless. Similarly, your company can be hindered greatly by the handful of places where things just aren’t flowing. Work through the following four steps to get the kinks out.

1. Ask where the kinks are.

It’s easy to get so caught up in fine-grained work that we sacrifice our bird’s eye view of our company or department. A step back to look at the big picture allows us to identify where some problem, inefficiency or missed opportunity is holding things up.

2. Ask how you can improve in this area by 10 percent.

If you identify a choke hold in your inbound inquiries, for example, make a plan to improve by 10 percent. If you’re only getting 20 inbound calls a week, work to get two more. Don’t dare settle for an abstract “We’re going to try to get more calls.” The goal needs to be concrete and the plan tangible. If webcasts, conferences, and other public outreaches generate inbound calls, schedule more and pronto. Keep it simple and straightforward, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Look for moderate improvements, then build momentum to get things flowing to turn what was a weakness into a strength.

3. Ask if the efforts worked.

The answer should be “yes” if you’ve done a good job identifying your kink and executing a simple action plan to start opening it up. If so, move on. If not, revisit steps one and two in reverse order. The flaw was more likely in the execution than in the logic behind it, so consider first whether the plan was carried out effectively, then whether there’s a better way to achieve a 10 percent gain, and lastly, whether you misidentified your kink.

4. Ask yourself, now what’s my kink?

If there’s some improvement in the identified issue, but it’s still holding things up, use the success to build enthusiasm and energy around eliminating this kink altogether. You’ve gotten two more incoming calls per week. Good. Can you get four? How about six? Be careful not to let your excitement at seeing steady improvement in one area cause you to abandon that bird’s eye view we talked about in step one. Eliminating one chokepoint might expose another. Once you’ve eliminated the first kink, move on to another and repeat the process.

Follow this process as many times as needed to get your business really flowing. I thought I’d spend a few minutes watering and move on, but half an hour later, I was still working all the kinks out of that hose. It was tedious, but before long my little plants received the drink they so desperately needed. Just like working through the choke points in our businesses, the hard work was worth it and my plants perked up from the extra attention.

Never forget maintenance! If something works, stay with it. Be like this weekend gardener, who traded in the box in the garage for a nice new hose reel. A hose can move only as much water as can pass through the kinks: Take the effort to make yours the best it can be.

Related: 4 Steps to Improve Quality at Your Business

Traditional Sales And Leadership Training Fails To Address The Real Problem!

You’ve tried training your team in the past, but it didn’t really work. The old style of training just doesn’t seem to work anymore. It’s no secret that sales and leadership training is essential, but it can be hard to find a training program that actually works. Most programs are outdated and are not focused on changing behavior.

FPG Sales Training is different. We don’t use the traditional approach of lecturing your team for hours on end. Instead, we help your team understand their mindset and give them the tools they need to succeed. We help them remove their excuses so they can finally achieve their goals. Book a Meeting today!

Jason Forrest

Jason Forrest has disrupted the sales training industry by creating the first training program that changes behavior. This is done through 1) teaching tactical real-world processes; 2) the language of persuasion, 3) removing the mental leashes that hold people back, and 4) through a program-based training approach. This philosophy is what led his Warrior Selling® and Leadership Sales Coaching programs to be ranked in the top 2 of the World’s Top Sales Development Programs, by Global Gurus. His provocative style of speaking his truth ranks him at number 5 on the Global Sales Guru list.

Jason is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the science of influence and behavioral change. He is also a Practitioner in Accelerated Evolution, the psychology of removing fear in high performers. 

Jason Is On A Mission To Ignite Pride, Purpose, And Respect For Professional Selling.
In-Home Salespeople

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