
If Only You Had A Sales Process That Delivered Winning Results Consistently

Master the Process the Top 1% of Sellers Use

Adopt a proven framework to close more sales.

Increase You Company’s Revenue.
Bolster Salespeople’s Confidence.
Remove Fears & Sabotaging Behaviors.

A sales process is more than a series of repeatable steps. It’s the playbook designed to ensure your salespeople win more business.

A sales process is the roadmap your sales team uses to move prospects through every stage of the sales cycle to become satisfied, long-term clients.

A good sales process also focuses on steps sellers can take to keep the customer relationship alive and thriving.

And the most successful sales process identifies where salespeople stop selling because of some limiting fear or belief. And provides them the tools to overcome it.

Free Video: The 12 Steps to Achieving a 100% Conversion Rate

A Well-Defined Sales Process is the Key to Your Success

Companies that define a formal sales process, experience 18% more revenue growth compared to those with no formal process.

Companies that execute on their formal process, perform even better.

Why Do You Need a Sales Process?

When you have a sales process in place, you can track performance at every stage of the sales cycle to determine what’s working well and what needs improvement.

Perhaps you’re great at delivering pitches but struggle with handling customer objections. Once you can identify where the sales process stops, you can focus on fixing it.

Close More Sales

With a proven process in place, sales teams always follow the right steps to convert prospects.

Focus on Qualified Leads

Invest your time on those prospects with the greatest likelihood of converting to paying customers.

Better Follow-Up

Continuously engaging prospects is key in moving the sale forward but it has to be done at the right time to be effective.

Master the Sales Process - the 5/4/3 Factor


The structure of a proven framework resulting in more consistent sales.


How your beliefs and fears are impacting your ability to close more sales.


A customized selling process for your industry that feels natural to you, and your buyers.

How The Course Works

We don’t believe real change can come from a two-day event where teams leave excited and full of energy, but within weeks, they revert to all their old habits.

Instead, real change comes from consistent work over time with the opportunity to practice new skills and make corrections through peer and coach feedback.


The course begins with a 4-hour Mindset Kickoff for Sales Warriors and then a one-day bootcamp and training videos to teach the structure of a winning sales team.


Next, participants will work through a series of lessons to practice what they've learned.


In Zoom-based coaching sessions spread over six weeks, participants will discuss with their peers and coach what worked and what they can improve.

The 4-hour mindset Kickoff and One-Day Bootcamp Includes:

Part I – Master Mindset So You Can Change Your Process

Session 1 - The Warrior Selling Beliefs
Session 2 – The Warrior Selling Philosophy
Session 3 – The 5/4/3/ Factor
Session 4 – Understand Your Customer’s Mission

Part II – Present Solutions & Resolve the Sale

Session 1 - Experiential Practice
Session 2 – Present Solutions
Session 3 – Resolve the Sale
Session 4 – Next Steps

You Can Make a Bigger Impact

Forrest Performance Group is the fastest-growing sales and management training company in the United States. A global leader and designer of sales, management, customer service and executive training programs, FPG has won multiple international awards for its one-of-a-kind, behaviorally-focused training methodology.

FPG has been disrupting the sales training industry since 2008 by creating training programs that actually deliver real-world results. We understand that two-day training programs have little impact because it takes time to learn, practice, and perfect new skills.

Our series of training programs are designed to work together to provide the comprehensive knowledge leaders and organizations need to take their business to the next level.

Mary and Jason Forrest - Fractional Sales Leaders

Are You Ready to be a Master the Sales Process?

It’s easy to get started with FPG:

Step 1 – Book a Meeting

We'll discuss where you are currently and where you want to be.

Step 2 – How We Can Help

Next, we'll review our various training programs designed to take leaders to the next level.

Step 3 – Training Begins

Learn the skills necessary to take your sales skills to the next level.

Customer Reviews

At FPG Sales Training, we know that you want to be the leader of a high-performing sales team.
In order to do that, you need the very best training for your salespeople and sales leadership. The problem is most sales training is philosophical and not tactical, killing your salespeople’s morale while you’re annoyed that you wasted your limited time and budget on another “shot-in-arm” training event. Forrest Performance Group was founded in 2008 to solve the problem that 164 billion is spent on training every year, yet 70% fails to achieve an ROI. We understand how frustrating it is to have no one buy a great product or service that improves people’s lives because the sales experience falls short.

This is why we created the world’s only real-world, tactical, program-based, excuse-free sales and sales leadership training programs. Here’s how we do it:

1. Tell Us About Your Sales Forecast and Your Top Sales Challenges, 2. Let Us Create Your Custom Sales Process and Script, 3. We Train Your Sales Team, And You Watch Your Sales Increase.

Book a Meeting Now to speak to us. So, you can stop feeling the frustration or even disappointment of having to lower your sales forecast and instead start taking the market share that you deserve.



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Feb 5th at 12:00 PM CT