Create Leaders Who Will Create More Leaders

What is the Executive Playbook?

Our Executive Playbook course with assessment provides a clear picture of how you are influencing and impacting your employees in 5 key factors:

Companies Spend a Huge Amount on Succession, Expansion Planning, and Leadership Development With Little Results

1. Companies around the world spend $370 billion per year on leadership development. Source.

2. Yet, five out of six HR managers are dissatisfied with the results of their leadership development programs. Source.

3. 74% of public and 52% of private companies reported that maintaining a robust talent pipeline is the most challenging aspect of CEO succession planning. Source.

4. And while 86% of leaders believe leadership succession planning is of utmost importance, only 14% think their organization does it well. Source.

"Of all the Leadership Seminars and Classes we have attended-this is the only one that has been applicable, and has made a huge difference in our organization" - Southern Homes

Most Leaders Are Unprepared for the Job

74% of executives were not prepared for the challenges they faced in senior leadership roles. Source.

Only 32% of global leaders felt that their organizations adequately supported new leaders. Source.

Only 27% believe their organizations provide the necessary resources to support their move into a C-level role. Source.

Gain 360º Clarity

This is a real eye-opener. Because you’ll get a clear picture of how you view yourself as a leader in 15 crucial areas.

More importantly, it will give you an honest view of the true impact you have on your team, through their eyes.

Develop Your Strengths

The Executive Playbook’s psychologically based, business-focused approach accurately pinpoints your greatest leadership strengths.

You’ll learn to develop those strengths and leverage your assets as a leader to drive more speed and profitability.

Stop with the Guessing!

You’ll gain immediate clarity on where to focus your time and energy to sharpen your leadership style. So you’ll only spend effort on areas that make the biggest impact.

In other words, no more guessing or wasting time trying to figure out where you need to improve!

Raise Up More Leaders

The future and long-term viability of your company depends on your ability to create more leaders who perform and act like you do.

This program will fuel your leadership development program and ensure the empire you’ve built lasts!

Master the Language of Leadership

Your leadership communication determines the success of your entire operation. It’s time to maximize it!

You’ll develop the strategies you need to master your leadership language and motivate for massive effect.

The Workbook Difference

You’ll be guided through our in-depth workbook that spans the entire course and does a deep dive into the material.

All 15 lessons are accompanied by thought exercises, assignments, and extra materials to guide your growth and encourage your mastery of the training.

The direct cost of replacing a failed executive is close to 10x his or her salary. Source.

Become a Leader that creates employees that demonstrate the following 15 attributes and 45 behaviors

What would happen to your future success if every employee demonstrated these 45 behaviors?








Growth Mindset








Direct reports perform 15% worse under a struggling leader and are significantly more likely to become disengaged. Source.

This is because the leader’s language to their direct reports is the number one influencer in the direct report’s beliefs, emotions, motivations, behaviors, and most importantly their – results!

Become the leader you were born to be!

Develop more profit-driving leaders like you!

Organizations can't scale when they're led by a few Rambos.

“I created this course to solve the problem that companies have with succession and expansion planning. Companies can only grow as fast as they have leaders-in-waiting ready to carry the legacy forward. This course is about teaching leaders how to coach other leaders to be better than they were.”

– Jason Forrest

The direct cost of replacing a failed executive is close to 10x his or her salary. Source.

74% of executives were not prepared for the challenges they faced in senior leadership roles. Source.

By the time you’re through this course you’ll have completed a road map that leads you to a new destination. A place where you’ll unleash yourself and your team to be the best leader you can possibly be.

46% of leaders underperform during their transition to a new role. Source.

We will teach your leaders researched based tactical strategies to succeed no matter the circumstance.

Ineffective Leader

Effective Leader

Start a revolution! Create leaders that create leaders!

Customer Reviews


Because of the intimacy, sensitivity, importance, time, and company impact, we only accept the “best fit” clients into this program. This program is intense and only for those ready to be all in. If you are serious about change, and tired of philosophical leadership courses that fail to deliver – then let’s create legacy together.

We believe that leaders are doing the best they can with the resources they have, and that positive change comes from adding more resources. So, we believe that any leader is capable of learning anything. The question is, “Do they want to learn something new”? Do they have the desire to change what is not working and start doing something to make them better? We are very good at inspiring people to want to improve, but in the end it’s up to them.

What you’re really asking is, “How much time will my leaders not be in the business, costing my company missed revenue?” Look, I get it. You have been programmed by bad training in the past that it is a waste of your leader’s time. That’s other trainers, and that’s not us. Your past experience is exactly why we started FPG.

So to answer your question – 60 min per week.

If you want your children to be the best in sports, do you just sign the check, or do you get involved?

How far can a child make it in athletics without parent involvement? Only a few kids will ever make a varsity team without a parent in the mix. You’ll never see a child make it to the Olympics without a parental figure taking an active role in their training. The same is true of our employees. Gallup states that 70% of employee engagement is due to the “manager effect.” A sales professional’s perception of their company’s culture is directly connected to how engaged their direct manager is in their training.

When the sales person is in the training then you are too – 1 hour per week.

We only take on limited companies at a time

Because of the intimacy, sensitivity, importance, time, and company impact, we only accept the “best fit” clients into this program. This program is intense and only for those ready to be all in. If you are serious about change, and tired of philosophical leadership courses that fail to deliver – then let’s create legacy together.



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Oct 24th at 12:00 PM CT