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How to Create a Performance Improvement Plan that Actually Improves Performance

Join me for a free webinar on How to Create a Performance Improvement Plan that Actually Improves Performance. You’ll learn what the top Sales Warriors say, do, and think during the sales process. Register today and save your spot!

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As a leader that’s worked for a mid to large-size company, you’re probably familiar with a performance improvement plan or PIP. You also have different opinions about their value such as: “These are a waste of my time and don’t work,” or “My employees dread these and they kill morale,” or “This is something that covers my a%# from HR violations”.

What if you could move from those beliefs to beliefs such as: “This is exactly what my salesperson needed to hear to start performing,” or “My salesperson thanked me after the meeting,” or “This one meeting allowed me to save my salesperson from termination.”

Join me in this FREE webinar as I show you exactly how to change your beliefs about PIPs…

So, in this webinar, I will show you:

 1. The most important thing to be thinking about when having this conversation,
 2. The 4 steps you must take when holding a PIP conversation,
 3. The specific words you must use to show your belief in them,
 4. What your employee needs to feel from you by the time the meeting is complete.

When you look back on your career as a leader, these “break through” conversations will be the ones that you’ll remember and be REMEMBERED by the most.

This is an opportunity to learn from the best and take your business to the next level.

Register now and I'll see you there!

Mary Marshall Forrest

Mary Marshall Forrest is the President, Chief Learning Officer, and the creator behind several training courses and the behavioral change methodology of FPG.

Mary Marshall is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the science of influence and behavioral change. She is a Practitioner in Accelerated Evolution, the psychology of removing fear in high performers. She is also a Practitioner in Theta Healing, the psychology of removing energetic blocks that create physical and emotional limitations.

Mary is on a mission is to teach the mindset, process, and language of Sales Leadership.

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