Headhunt a
Top Salesperson Fast Who Sells for You Even Faster!

Headhunt A Top Salesperson Fast Who Sells For You Even Faster!

Sales Recruiting | Sellers & Leadership



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Do you want to hire someone fast?
or do you want to hire a salesperson who produces fast?

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Sales Recruiting

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Sales Recruiting

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Sales Recruiting

What Is The True Cost Of Not Using An Outside Recruiter?

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Achieve With FPG's Sales Recruiting Advantage

Struggling to find the right sales talent can leave your company in a costly and frustrating cycle of turnover. Do you feel the pain of wasted time and resources on candidates who don’t meet the mark? FPG’s Sales Recruiting process transforms your hiring process. Achieve unprecedented success with our 90-Day unconditional placement guarantee, personalized coaching, and industry-specific onboarding, backed by our elite headhunting and robust sales training—because when you can count on the caliber of your recruits, you can secure the future of your sales.

ACHIEVE with FPGOther RecruitersFPG Sales Recruiting
Assured Placement (90-Day Unconditional Placement Guarantee)X
Coaching (Two Sessions)X
Highly Tailored Onboarding (Customized for Your Company)X
Impactful Training (90-Day Sales Training to Start Fast)X
Elite Head Hunting (vs Post and Pray)X
Validation (Behavioral Sales Assessment to Lower Risk)X
Effective Interviews (Structured Questions Based on Top Producers)X

We Help Companies Recruit Fearless Sales Pros, Train Them For 90 Days, And Guarantee Their Success.

Let Our Recruiting Experts Help You Find Qualified Sales Representatives.

Faster Hires

Reduce your average sales hiring cycle by as much as 60% with FPG.

Less Turnover

Fully vetted, assessment-based hires assure you hire for the long haul.

Increase Sales

Guarantee you‘re top grading your team with FPG‘s unique formula.

Boosted Culture

We assured you to hire the right behaviors and mindset for your culture every time.

Hire For Success

We scientifically interview candidates looking for the specific brain-wiring of top producers.

The Proven Benefits Of Choosing FPG's Sales Recruiting

Reduced Time-to-Fill and Cost

The two most important elements in business are time and money. Recruiting internally is a drain on both. Outsourced recruiting allows you to streamline your recruiting process, allows your employees time to focus on building your company, and dramatically reduces the cost incurred by turnover.

Improved Candidate Quality

The best recruiting services save you time and dramatically increase your ability to hire top-quality candidates through assessment-based hiring that cuts out bias.


Outside recruiters save companies an average of 20 hours of productivity per week on hiring activities. Pouring those hours back into your business allows you to scale faster and put your focus where you need it – on your growth.


The best-recruiting companies have years of experience in a variety of different industries, providing you with a much-need perspective and an advisor to help you make the right hiring decisions all along the way.

Stop Looking at Traditional Sales Recruiting

More value, better quality, and more sales than any other hiring solution.

When You Let Take on The Hiring Burden

Faster Hires

The average time to fill a sales job across industries is 52 days. FPG’s average fill time?

World-class sales hiring tool called Sales Preference Questionnaire™ (SPQ).

The SPQ allows us to objectively assess the beliefs and abilities of each candidate by answering questions in several key, profit-driving areas:

  • Do they actively slow down their own sales, or do they look for ways to move sales forward?
  • Do they have a tendency to let the prospect take the lead, or do they lead the conversation themselves?
  • Do they tend to resist coaching or embrace it?
  • Do they fear talking about money and numbers, or are they fearless?
  • Are they hesitant to prospect, or are they proactive about prospecting?
  • Do they shy away from goals, or do they clearly articulate, embrace, and reach for defined goals?

Using the SPQ as a hiring tool decreases sales turnover

Don’t just hire based on a paper standard. Hire based on your own top producers.

  • We use the SPQ to assess your current top sales producers.
  • We use the SPQ to assess each hiring candidate.
  • We use our proprietary formula to match up your candidate assessments with the beliefs and abilities of your top sales producers.

Customer Reviews

Our Rigorous Recruiting Process Gets You The Top Sales Talent You Need

If you could consistently hire the top sales talent, would you still be satisfied with average-producing salespeople? How much longer are you going to be satisfied with average salespeople that aren’t driving the profits that you know your business can produce? Are you going to continue to use the same hiring process, even though it doesn’t really get you what you want?

Every salesperson or sales manager you hire through FPG will automatically be enrolled in FPG’s award-winning sales training programs: Warrior Selling® for frontline sales professionals and the Leadership Forum® for sales managers. FPG’s leadership and sales programs were named two of the top 7 sales training programs in the world by Global Gurus.